Sunday, October 9, 2011

Rush Hour Bike Ride!

I just got home from work and Coty was ready to ride, so we grabbed our bikes and headed down the stairs. It was during rush hour(which makes it somewhat tricky to ride) but the weather was nice. We decided to head to downtown Ghent to see about the Occupy Norfolk protests. We rode around where it was supposed to be but couldn't find anyone! (We later learned that the protestors were forced to move around and not be anywhere that people could actually see...which is ridiculous) From there, we biked towards the Chrysler Museum of Art. If you have never been there, it is definitely worth a visit. The admittance fee is by donation and they always have something new to view. I personally always enjoy seeing the Egyptian exhibit, even though I have seen it many times. We stopped outside the museum for a break and so Coty could snap some photographs of the river at high tide. I saw some rocks by the water and tried to skip some. The most I got one to skip was 3 times (hence the picture of me with three fingers's not me trying to be a "G"...I think I even just said that line in my head just as lame as you read it ). Cars were going by and it was interesting to see which ones were brave enough to try and wade thru the over pour from the river.

By this time, it was getting dark but luckily Coty just bought and installed lights on our bicycles so we would be safe. Home was now our destination and I was super thirsty (like usual). If any of you have awesome museums in your neck of the woods or city, let us know because we are planning travels and would LOVE to see them! Leave a comment or email us:

1 comment:

  1. i need some of these pics for backgrounds on my laptop, ama-ZA-ZING! haha
