The weekend was truly amazing ended with 2 great bike rides Sunday. During our bike ride we encountered a awesome cove were I took some sweet photos of Ashley, our sweet bikes, and of the intense landscape around us. On our way back we were able to stop and get a awesome sunset photo as well. - Coty
I have really been wanting to go feed the geese by the river and Coty thought it would be a great idea to bike there since the weather was so perfect. The bread in the fridge was about to expire so I put it in my backpack, put on a sweat shirt and we were on our way. When we got there....the geese knew. They immediately started walking up to us with their mouths open. I think it could have meant a few things ( hissing at us to leave) but when I started throwing the bread, their long necks couldn't bend over fast enough to the grab the bread off the grass. Then some seagulls started showing up, but then some ducks too. I started to get a weird feeling of being surrounded ( thought of Hitchcocks -The Birds- movie); looked around and I was! There were so many geese, seagulls and ducks around me that it was making me uncomfortable how close they were coming. I began throwing the bread crumbs so fast and high in the air, almost like when you throw the rice at weddings, but my speed was set to turbo so that I could throw it all then run! We hopped on or bikes and made a clean get away.
Coty wanted to take me to see this quaint little museum across the water and a couple bridges. It was going to be a bit of work getting there, but I was up for it. Admittedly, I was a bit winded by the time we got there but it was worth it to see the sunset in the cove. The museum was already closed so we couldn't go in , but Coty got some very awesome pictures from the outside. I sat down on some of the handmade concrete barricades, just looking at the water and the reflection the sun made on it. I think I was somewhat hoping for a type of serpent cryptid to pop out of the water, Coty to get a snap snot and for us to go down in the cryptid books as another "sighting". Alas, there was no Norfolk Nessie, but I did spot some periwinkle snails. They were all positioned on the reeds that were swaying in the wind, and a few were tucked up underneath some rocks. It was so relaxing there and I definitely want to go back when the museum is open.
On the way back home, I noticed a little spot where I thought Coty could get some good pictures. It happened to be a country club of some sort but they didn't mind us being there...I guess (since we weren't kicked out or yelled at). Some of the drill type machinery that are out in the middle of the water always remind me of Star Wars AT-ATs. Coty is a BEAST when it comes to cycling and I enjoy it too but am not as fast as him. So when we got back home, my little legs were exhuasted from keeping up with him!
Beautiful. Sounds like a sweet little life.