Sunday, August 28, 2011

Took shelter at Ashleys parents house....IRENE!

 We decided to go to Ashleys parents house (they live in virginia beach)  for hurricane Irene and of course brought our furless child with us. Jobie was a little bit nervous on the way there, but rightfully so. The drive there was scary due to numerous things- the crazy high winds, tons of heavy rainfall and idiot drivers who were going 50 MPH thru giant puddles and splashing our little chevy aveo off the road. We finally made it there and rushed inside with Jobie. My parents have a small house and it is a burden to stay there....JK! Its a giant house with like 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and PLENTY of room for anything you could imagine.
Home Sweet Home... Before flood


Theodore... his homies call him Teddy

Bra hahahaHA!

Just doing a mans job...

Post Hurricane Ashley cleaned back yard :)

Pre Storm

Guacamole bowl Ashley made it was amazing...


Patriotic? I think so...

Sweet beach cruiser


2 pull ups later..

We look GOOD!


I'm going to pee this chainsaw on you leaves GRRR!


chainsaw boots arms jacked after pull ups

KOALA Ashley

 We were greeted by her parents (Ralph & Ruth) and their two little attack dogs (Reeses & Teddy). We had power until about 1:30pm, then we all played Blokus,scrabble slam, and Life (it was my first time playing any of these) by candle/flash light. My parents were quick to bring out the drinks....I had a delicious margarita and strawberry daiquiri. Soon after, her parents borrowed some power from the neighbors generator and the neighbors came over as well with more drinks. The power came back on around 9pm and by that time, everyone had a bunch of drinks in them. I had a bad headache so went to lay down with Jobie in one of the spare rooms that we were staying in. He was a bit nervous still but was doing better. I wasn't tired and was still awake, so I could here everyone down stairs giggling and having a good time. 

The next day...
the weather is so nice! I woke up (early as usual) and took a nice bath while Coty slept off his lil hangover. Ashleys parents went to their usual breakfast spot for tots and sweet tea and Ashley made coffee. We went out back to see how the damage was. Ralph was chainsawing some branches and Ruth was talking to the neighbors.

Overall, the damage where we stayed wasn't bad and could definitely been worse. We will see how our apartment held up during the storm. We are on the 3rd floor but hope our windows or AC unit didnt leak .

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